Calabria holidays village - map
- List of villages in Calabria grouped by location
If you want to spend a holiday in a village in Calabria, or a hotel in the Costa degli Dei, Tropeaholiday is the site through which you will know this beautiful land , its incomparable beaty. You can find all relevant information to make the booking, for prices and the best deals. We will be able to recommend the village with the features you most satisfying: village with swimming pool, village near the sea village with restaurant, beachfront villages, villages with entertainment, etc.. ' |
holidays village
in Tropea
holidays village in Capo Vaticano
Villages located in Calabria to Tropea, 7000 pop. H. 60 s.m. Tropea, a succession of lovely views and unforgettable views of the sea with an extraordinary turquoise color. It offers a high level tourism and the beauty of the places and the elegance of the old town , for this has become one of the most important and crowded tourist resorts in Calabria.
Villages located in Capo Vaticano in Calabria 4250 populations , H 280 sm Capo Vaticano, natural oasis, it has two facing the most beautiful in the area.
Can be observed from the deep blue sea and extending our gaze on a clear day you can admire the Aeolian Islands.
holidays village in Parghelia
holidays village in Zambrone
Parghelia, has one of the most picturesque coasts of Calabria: crystal clear sea, golden beaches, alternating with small bays where you can only reach by sea.
1800 a.b., H. 60 s.m.
Briatico between Tropea and the Tyrrhenian Sea. In this location the development of tourism is favored by the pristine landscape. It also has extensive beaches and a calm sea.