Calabria hotel: guide of hotels in Calabria along the Costa degli Dei - from Pizzo to Nicotera


Calabria hotels
Tropea hotels

Travel Agency in Tropea Ma&Ma by Maury Travel Calabria
Italian version

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If you are looking for a hotel in Calabria in the Coast of the Gods, Tropeaholiday is the portal can do for you, complete and functional offer many services to guarantee to stay in our wonderful land. We will try to satisfy, giving you various facilities and competitive rates. Receive hotel with features that most welcome: hotel with swimming pool, hotel near the sea hotel with restaurant, beachfront hotels, hotels with entertainment, etc.

santuario dell' isola di Tropea

Hotel located in Calabria to Tropea, 7000 pop. H. 60 s.m. Besides being a popular seaside resort, is a beautiful city enriched by its ancient buildings. Its location, overlooking the sea, is enjoying an excellent view from its many faces, you can admire a sea so transparent that you can see the seabed.

Hotel Tropea Calabria
Capo Vaticano

Hotel located in Calabria to Capo Vaticano 4.250 pop., H 280 s.m. A famous seaside resort enjoys a wonderful location that allows you to enjoy the area in all its beauty, crystal clear sea green pristine, breathtaking views for nature lovers.

Hotel Capo Vaticano Calabria

Parghelia, interesting country in terms of landscape, white beaches, clear sea, rugged coastline and lush greenery, make that the lovers of nature in this area spend a pleasant stay.

Hotel Parghelia Calabria
scorcio della costa di Zambrone

1800 pop., H 60 s.m.
Between Tropea to Briatico on the Tyrrhenian Sea. Zambrone for its location offers over a vast beaches of white and outstanding natural beauty.

Hotel Zambrone Calabria
Santa Domenica Baia di Riaci

Tourist village located on the Coast of the Gods between Tropea and Capo Vaticano.

Hotel Santa Domenica Calabria


Briatico agricultural and fishing center, located at the mouth of the River "Murria", between the promontory of Zambrone and the port of Vibo Marina.

Hotel Briatico


  • hotel calabria


Office Address: Regina Margherita, 26 - 89861 Tropea
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